I have a dear friend who I knew as a little girl who is having so many issues right now that I have decided to do some research on special novena's that can be said for help in the areas of money issues, anxiety and wanting peace, and healing of sickness. I have already given the novena for St. Raphael who is an Archangel of the sick which is listed in an earlier post so I won't repeat that one.
I ask that you remember my friend in your prayers and perhaps you can say one of the novena's for her. If your wanting to say one specifically to help her with her worries then I would say the one for the worry and anxiety novena.
If your going to say the novena for the two men, Andrew & Mark, then use the novena to St. Raphael.
Of course, feel free to say them for yourselves since they are for everyone's use.
May God Bless you all.
Novena to Saint Claire For Business and TWO other impossible situations
Pray whether you believe or not and promise to publish or circulate.
Ask for 3 favours: 1 business and 2 impossible.Say 9 Hail Mary's and the following prayer for 9 nights in front of a lighted candle,
God of mercy you inspired St. Claire with the love of poverty by the help of her prayers. May we follow Christ in poverty of spirit and come to the joyful vision of your glory in the kingdom of heaven. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your son who lives and reigns with the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever. Amen
How to Ask Saint Expeditus for Help with Money Problems
Write out your specific money problem on a piece of paper.
Place a picture of Saint Expeditus on a windowsill and place some coins in a cup next to the picture. (find one on the internet, I'm sure there are some)
Say one of the following prayers:
For a specific money problem (the one written on paper)
"Saint Expeditus,
"Please pray to God to help me to obtain enough financial resources so that I may live peacefully content. Let my heart be full and may my needs be few. Amen."
Prayer For Peace of Mind which can be said as much or as little as you feel is necessary
Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini
FORTIFY me with the grace of Your Holy Spirit
and give Your peace to my soul
that I may be free from all needless anxiety,
solicitude and worry.
Help me to desire always
that which is pleasing and acceptable to You
so that Your will may be my will.
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